
Do Stacked Gardens Get Te Benefit Of The Gnomes Wizard101

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Message Boards Home >Housing & Gardening

Stacking gardens




Dec 14, 2010


Stacking gardens

I saw some videos on line of how to stack gardens to get more out of your harvest . Is this legal or can you get banned for doing this ? I love playing this game and do not want to get banned for trying some thing out , so if any one knows please let me know ,

Thank You ,

Victoria FireHeart


Aug 03, 2014


Re: Stacking gardens

stimpy163 on Apr 30, 2018 wrote:

I saw some videos on line of how to stack gardens to get more out of your harvest . Is this legal or can you get banned for doing this ? I love playing this game and do not want to get banned for trying some thing out , so if any one knows please let me know ,

Thank You ,

You can not get banned for stacking but it isn't supported by KI (eg. if you lose seeds or it goes wrong in some way they won't get someone to go into your account to fix it for you).

I use stacking and I have never lost a plant or had any major issues with it. I have occasionally had a few weird little glitches like a few rogue plants going to elder while others regress back to young, but I have heard of that happening to people who have not stacked. The benefits imo far outweigh any risks.

My advice to new stackers is to make sure the plots are in perfect alignment to ensure the planting works properly. Many of the videos don't emphasise how important it is, but you can see on them how the plots fit perfectly. To avoid frustration, expect building a new stack to take a lot of time and expect to make a few mistakes. Take a break from it if it starts to do your head in lol.

If your plots are not below 2 crates high you will need an aiming point to raise the spells up enough to hit the top plants. I recommend using a garden gnome as it is small enough you will know you raised the spell enough and it also gives a like. Floating all likes above the plot will keep them out of the way (no getting trapped in egg baskets haha) and also keep plants just for the like out of the plant count. You can let a like plant die and it will still give the like! A large area spell will only attend to the needs of the first 69 plants planted. Medium covers 25.

Here is the thread where Moolinda Woo says we can stack but it isn't covered by support (her post is the 10th one down):

Happy Gardening!

Phoenix Blade Ninj...


Mar 06, 2013


Re: Stacking gardens

It's legal.


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Do Stacked Gardens Get Te Benefit Of The Gnomes Wizard101


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